Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dog Poisoning

This is not a pleasant topic, but it is something you should take seriously. My intention in sharing this with you is to prepare you for the possibility and to give you the best possible chance to save your dog, should the need ever arise.

Yet there is very little organised information available to dog owners. Like most dog owners in this situation, I only learnt a bit about dealing with poisoning after my dogs and I became victims. Unfortunately, for us that was too little, too late!

I am focusing on criminal poisoning only. There are numerous common substances in and around the house that can be dangerous to your dog. These include chocolate, raisins, onion, all household medicines, and of course household detergents and insecticides. Prevention is always better than cure! Be informed, careful, and prepared. You should note that first aid procedures for other poisonous substances may be quite different from those proposed herein. Ask your vet before you act.
These first aid measures may not be appropriate for other animals.

Which poisons?
The most common poisons used are organophosphates and carbamate (Aldicarb, Temik, also known as Two-Step). Rat poison is another commonly used option.
Both organophosphates and carbamate are insecticides used predominantly in agricultural applications, but household applications also exist. Temik is the most commonly used poison, but it may be combined with other poisons. It is extremely toxic and as such it is a restricted substance; its distribution and use highly regulated. Unfortunately these measures are clearly ineffective. Organophosphates are relatively common insecticides, appearing in household insect sprays, rose and fruit tree sprays, etc. Interestingly, organophosphates were originally developed as biological weapons, and American soldiers are routinely issued with atropine and 2-PAM injection kits when going into areas where chemical weapons are deemed to be a risk! The rat poison that is used will probably contain anticoagulants (blood thinners), but may also contain a wide variety of other poisons. The anticoagulants often don’t work as quickly as any of the other poisons, building up in the animal’s body over a period of a few days. This does however not mean that your dog needs to consume more of it.

Most poisons, with the exception of the rat poisons, are formulated so that they have a bad taste as a means of discouraging ingestion. Unfortunately, when these formulations are considered, the manufacturers have humans in mind. Anyone who has spent some time observing animals will know that a sufficiently motivated animal will ignore a bad taste.

Identification and presentation
Temik is easily identified. It is in the form of tiny black or bluish/grey granules, similar to gunpowder. Most rat poisons appear in pelleted or caked form. Other poisons are more difficult to identify as there is a greater variety. All poisons are presented to the dogs with food. Common presentations include polony, meat, fish, maize meal, or bread: all rolled in, or stuffed with the poison. I have also come across bones covered in a fatty substance.

Signs and symptoms
These poisons are extremely fast acting (excepting some of the anticoagulants) and deadly, even if your dog only ingested a small amount. Even if you catch your dog in the act of ingesting the poison, there is no time to waste. Don’t wait for your dog to display symptoms. Take action immediately.

The following symptoms may appear, listed in no particular order:
•Profuse twitching of the skin
•Bruising in the case of anticoagulants
•Vomiting, which may include blood in case of anticoagulant poisoning
•Excessive salivation
•Excessive bronchial secretion, i.e. coughing up slime
•Excessively runny nose
•Dyspnoea, i.e. difficulty breathing
•Posture abnormalities, i.e. body contorted into abnormal positions
•Diarrhoea: may be mucous; may be black or “tarry” in the case of anticoagulant poisoning
•Abnormal pupils – either pinpoint or dilated
•Abdominal pain
•Tremors and muscle twitching
•Temporary or partial paralysis, partial loss of movement
•Bleeding, from nose, gums, wounds in the case of anticoagulants
•Acute blindness in the case of anticoagulants
•Blood in the urine in the case of anticoagulants

First Aid
The faster you act, the better your dog’s chances. Nonetheless, you should know that there are no guarantees.

1.Make sure you have your vet’s number saved on your cell and in a prominent place in your home. Since most poisonings happen at night, make sure your vet is available 24/7/365. If not, find an alternative vet who is available at any time for emergencies and establish a relationship with the practice. In any event it is a good idea to have a back-up vet on your list of contacts.

2.The section below describes the emergency procedure to follow when your dog is poisoned. 

You will require the following for each dog:

1.Large syringes (60ml)

2.At least one of the following: high foam washing powder, Hydrogen Peroxide 3% solution (available from your pharmacy), Apomorphine Hydrochloride (either powder or injection plus syringe and needle for administration (the latter two are schedule 4 medicines, don’t worry if you can’t get them—use one of the other methods)

3.Activated Charcoal in granular, powder, or tablet form (available from your pharmacy or health shop), or a veterinary preparation.

4.Castor Oil to help move the activated charcoal through the intestines.

5.Atropine plus syringe and needle for administration (This is a schedule 4 medicine, don’t worry if you can’t get it, you vet will administer it. I personally believe it should be available for emergency first aid kits.)

6.The above will need to be administered in specific dosages. Work out the dosage for each based on your dog’s average weight and write it down clearly. Put the paper in a clear plastic bag to prevent details from being smudged in an emergency. Put this booklet in there too for reference.

7.If you wish, you can measure and pre-package the dry items for each dog.

8.Put everything together in an emergency kit bag and place it in an easily accessible, yet protected place.

9.Review the contents of the bag regularly to ensure that medicines with expiry dates are replaced when necessary and your calculated dosages keep up with your dog’s changes in bodyweight.

Emergency Procedure:
Steps 1 to 4 are vital initial procedures you should undertake immediately. Proceed with step 5 and further based on the time it will take you to get your dog to a vet and the severity of the symptoms. The longer it will take and/or the more severe the symptoms, the more important the follow-on steps become. 

If you are uncomfortable with any of the procedures, rather leave them to the vet or perform them under guidance of your vet over the phone.

1.As soon as you suspect that your dog has been poisoned, have someone phone the vet to let them know that you are on your way. If you are alone, phone the vet between the following actions. Remain calm and focus on what you need to do.

2.Remember that poisonings seldom happen for their own sake: they are a preparatory step for a further crime. Alert your security company and the police immediately.

3.Immediately remove your dog and any other animals and children from the source of the poison. If it means confining your dog in the house, do so. If you can, use a room or courtyard that has little furniture or objects on which your dog could injure itself. If you have to go indoors choose a place with a tiled floor if you can.

4.If your dog is conscious, not having seizures and is not having difficulty breathing, you should induce vomiting. If at any point during the process your dog develops any of these symptoms, stop and rush your dog to the vet immediately. If you have tried inducing vomiting without success for at the most ten minutes without success, stop and rush your dog to the vet. Make sure that the dog does not re-ingest the vomit. If you can, inspect the vomit visually for signs of the poison – it may be helpful if you can describe it firstly to your vet, and later to the police. 

The following methods are most effective:

1.Force a ball of high foam washing powder down its throat. Prepare the ball with washing powder and a little water. The amount should be in relation to the size of the dog.

2.Prepare a 50/50 mixture of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and water. Measure 5ml per 5kg body mass and force this down the dog’s throat. A large syringe is useful for this. Walk your dog to ensure the mixture mixes with the stomach content. Repeat the process no more than twice if the dog doesn’t vomit within a few minutes.

3.If you have access to it, an injection of Apomorphine Hydrochloride 0,05mg per kg bodyweight, or pull down the lower eyelid of one eye and apply Apomorphine Powder.

4.Once you are sure that the dog’s stomach is empty, get your dog to swallow Activated Charcoal. The dosage is 0.5g/kg body weight (a 10kg dog would require 5g). Add between 5 and 25ml Castor Oil to the mix—about 5ml per 10kg or part thereof. The best way to get this done is using a granular or powdered charcoal product mixed into a slurry with a little water, fill into a large syringe, add Castor Oil and then squirt the mixture into the back of the dog’s mouth.

5.Only if your dog has vomited, and if you have access to it, administer 1ml Atropine per 10kg body mass subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Atropine inhibits vomiting and may thus cause more harm than good if administered prematurely. In the case of rat poison, do not administer Atropine, proceed directly to the vet.

6. Get your dog into the car and rush to the vet. If your dog is having convulsions, or is lethargic, somnolent, or unconscious, use a blanket or something similar as a stretcher. Be careful carrying a dog with convulsions as you might get bitten accidentally.

7.Tell the vet what you have done from discovering the poisoning up to the point of entering the practice. Also try to remember when the poisoning was discovered, what symptoms presented and when, as well as your subjective judgement of how much of the poison your dog ingested, based on what you saw of the stomach content.

What to expect:
If your dog survives the initial crisis and your vet got it through the first 12 hours, you may see:

1.A quick recovery, if you are lucky. Your dog will continue to cough for a few days, be teary-eyed, and may be a bit weak, and will need to eat bland food (i.e. rice and boiled, unseasoned chicken) for a few days to give the liver a chance to recover fully. You may observe some long term impact which may, or may not, improve with time, depending on which systems were damaged by the poison. Your dog may thus require ongoing supportive treatment.

2.Persistence of some of the symptoms, specifically hypersalivation, slow heart rate, diarrhoea: often mucous due to glandular over-secretion, vomiting, contraction of the pupils, central nervous system stimulation with hyperactivity, mania, anxiety or depression, seizures, difficulty breathing, Increased bronchial secretions. These are referred to as the Muscarinic effect of the poison. While treatment for this effect is available, the effectiveness thereof depends on the severity of the poisoning.

3.Your dog may also experience muscle twitching under the skin, but this may progress to muscle weakness and partial inability to move and respiratory paralysis. These symptoms may initially be masked by anxiety and stress associated with the Muscarinic effect. They often only manifest clearly after 36 to 72 hours and are referred to as the Nicotinic effect of the poison. This is one of the most dangerous parts of the poison process’s progression and many dogs die of paralysis of respiratory system.

4.Throughout the dog’s treatment, even though you may observe apparent improvement, there is the risk of organ damage or failure, which may lead to the dog’s death.

The Aftermath
Prepare yourself for the worst. If your dog recovers, you can count yourself and your dog lucky. Even if your response time was excellent, there is no guarantee that your dog will survive.

1.You need to report the poisoning to the police. All police stations in South Africa have been instructed on poisonings, but you may still meet resistance when attempting to open a case. 

Here are specific charges you may lay:
1.Contravention of Section 2(1)(n), alternatively Section 2(1)(d) of the Animal Protection Act, Act 71 of 1962, as amended: Administer poisonous substance to animal
AND In the case of Carbamate (Aldicarb – Temik/Sanacarb/two-step) 

2.Contravention of the Fertilisers, Farm Feeds, Agriculture Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, Act 36 of 1947, as amended: Possession of an illegal substance, AND

3.Hazardous Substances Act, Act 15 of 1973, as amended: Possession of an illegal substance.

In order to make these charges stick, you need to make sure the police get a sample of the poison. Carefully collect any leftover poison from the garden or, if there is nothing there, collect a sample from the vomit (preferably with visible samples of the poisoned substance) and keep it in the fridge until you can hand it over. You can also give a copy of the vet’s bill, which will be quite substantial, to the police. It will help to substantiate the damage caused in monetary terms. This is of course wholly inadequate as a measure of the real damage, but it’s something concrete one can use in court. 

2.You need to clean up. This will be one of the most difficult tasks you’ll ever have to undertake. 
Not only is it a messy job, it is an emotional one! 

Here is what you need to do:

1. Protect yourself from the poison: It is just as poisonous to you as it is to your dog. Wear rubber gloves, wear protective clothing, wear decent shoes. Remember: the poison can be ingested, inhaled, and absorbed trough the skin. Do not smoke, eat or drink, rub your eyes, or handle any uncontaminated household articles before changing clothes and thoroughly washing your hands, face and other exposed skin.

2.Restrict access to all contaminated areas, regardless whether it is vomit, saliva, or any other fluid or substance. This means no children, no visitors, and no other pets; only the person who is going to clean up should be allowed in.

3.Collect all remaining poison from the place where the dog was poisoned. Seal it in decent plastic containers. Sprinkle Slaked Lime over the area and water down the entire area extremely well. Also water down any run-off very well. You want to remove all remnants of the poison from the surface.

4.Collect all the solid waste as well as severely soiled articles and seal all in plastic containers.

5.Wash everything that was in contact with the poison, including any excretions from your dog. A 10% solution of Sodium Carbonate is recommended. Brush the solution well into the entire area and leave for at least 8 hours. Wash off and absorb the water into an absorbent material. Wood-based cat litter pellets work really well — a little absorbs a lot of water and it’s easy to collect afterwards. Do not dispose of in the drain; dispose of as described below. Wash again with a strong household detergent and dry with an absorbent material. Do not dispose of washing water in the drain or garden! Remember to wash window sills, walls, doors and door frames, legs of furniture, etc.

6.All washable rugs, table cloths, cushions, etc. should be washed thoroughly by machine – remember to remove and collect all solid waste before washing. Use a strong oxidising detergent such as “Vanish”.

Dispose of the waste:
1.If you are in a municipal area, your municipality should be able to handle toxic waste. Contact them in connection with the collected waste. Alternatively contact a reputable toxic waste disposal company for assistance.

2.If you are in a rural area:
1.Do Not dispose of anything into the septic tank since you’ll poison everything downstream of the French drain.
2.Aldicarb/Temik: burry the contaminated material at least 45cm deep (make sure no animal will be able to dig the stuff up again), in excess of 50m away from wells, French drains, trenches and water runs. Mix an equal mass of Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) or Slaked Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) into the material. Soak well with water. Backfill.

3.Organophosphates: Burn all collected materials and absorbent material used in washing in a place where no ground or water contamination by smoke or ash can take place. Collect the ash, mix with equal mass Soda Ash, and bury as above. Only burn if you are sure that no Aldicarb/Temic was used, otherwise burry everything as above.

4.Rat Poison: it is difficult to recommend a disposal method without knowing what is in it.

3.If in any doubt, contact your nearest Poison Information Centre.

4.If at any time during the cleanup process, you or a family member feels ill, don’t hesitate: go see a medical professional. There is a real possibility that you may have been exposed to too much of the poison and may be experiencing symptoms of poisoning yourself.

It is really difficult to find decent, and specifically complete, information on poisoning for the layperson. Here are a few sources I found useful. If you know of a source that provides decent information, please let me know.

INCHEM Chemical Safety Information from Intergovernmental Organizations: http://www.inchem.org
Organophosphate and carbamate toxicities: http://www.edoc.co.za/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=964
Workingdogs.com has an excellent article on poisonings. A vast variety of poisons, including household items, and treatments is discussed. Go to http://www.workingdogs.com/doc0175.htm. If you don’t get to the page directly, search for it using the search term “Poisoned!” under the “Articles” heading; it’s worth the effort.

I am not a veterinarian, medical professional, or an expert on poisons. The information presented herein was gathered from product information documentation, information on the internet I deem trustworthy (most of the references are reflected above), and interviews with a few knowledgeable individuals whom have been trough the ordeal themselves. I have taken every care to ensure the accuracy of the information presented herein.

If you have any ideas on DIY home security, or tips on how to prevent home burglaries please send your suggestions to crimebustersrsa@gmail.com and we’ll publish and credit the author. 

STOP Urban Decay

Cities can be dynamic, exciting hubs – or they can be crime-ridden danger zones visited under duress or because of duty. 

In the most efficient cities, there's been a shift towards public-private partnerships, where local authorities provide basic services and private property owners fund supplementary or complementary services so the area can operate at a superior level – think pavement cleaning, marketing, security officers and the removal of litter.

I’ve always been fascinated by urban spaces and how they’re managed; probably because a well-managed space can have a profound effect on the people who use it.
As our cities grow and evolve, this becomes more apparent than ever. Most modern cities came into being at the end of the 1800s, when life was very different – which is why many cities aren’t well equipped to accommodate the way we live today. Moreover, while the Industrial Revolution naturally had an enormous impact on urbanisation, the number of people currently living in cities is unprecedented. In fact, we’ve seen a massive increase in the past nine years: in 2009, only 50% of the world’s population lived in cities. Today, that figure stands at closer to 60%.
It stands to reason that urban areas become more complex as their inhabitants grow – and this, in turn, means that the traditional modes of managing cities are no longer as effective. In the most efficient cities, we’ve seen a significant shift towards public-private partnerships, with privately owned companies supporting local authorities.

This is by no means a new development. As far back as the 1970s, business owners in Toronto’s Bloor West Village led a charge to establish what they called a Business Improvement District (BID). The model was swiftly replicated in other cities: there are now 1 200 improvement districts in the United States, 74 of which are in New York alone. Even more noteworthy is the fact that these generate $134 million worth of investment in 126 public spaces, benefiting 85 000 different businesses.

In South Africa, precincts which have embraced the concept of business or city improvement districts (CIDs) have experienced similar successes. 

Take Rosebank in Johannesburg, for instance; one of the first CIDs to be established. Today, the suburb is one of the most desirable addresses for businesses and residents alike. Braamfontein is another case in point. Once derelict and run down, the work of the Johannesburg Development Agency in partnership with the BID and The Trinity Session, an art production team, has seen the area evolve into a vibrant hub of activity, drawing crowds as diverse as students, coffee shop connoisseurs and art enthusiasts.

What interests me most, in how CIDs bring about positive change is the dynamic between the parties. While the local authorities remain responsible for providing basic services, private property owners agree to fund supplementary or complementary services so that the area can operate at a superior level – think pavement cleaning, marketing, placemaking, the appointment of safety officers and the removal of litter, for example. The obvious assumption is that the local authorities will use this as an excuse to abrogate their responsibilities, when in fact the opposite is true: through the close relationship that develops between all city stakeholders, an ecosystem is established, where the roles and duties of each party are clear. In fact, in our experience, managed precincts receive better service than their unmanaged counterparts.
The resulting organism takes its cue from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. You have the basic services in place – those are the needs at the bottom of the triangle – and then the value-added services that become more relevant as a city starts striving towards “self-actualisation”; things like identity and culture.
I love to look at the work we’ve done with the Retail Improvement District to see just how much change can be brought about when you introduce precinct management. This area, which sits in the heart of the Johannesburg inner city, includes the Kerk Street Linear Market and touches on the City Hall. It’s the kind of place pedestrians would have avoided if they could help it: there was illegal dumping; the roads weren’t rehabilitated after trenching; there was poor infrastructure that posed a real risk; plus there was the chaos of unmanaged taxi ranks. Considered in their entirety, these challenges may seem insurmountable.
To the contrary: as a consequence of this even a small change can result in, well, a big change. For example, we introduced cleaners – but, far from doing a basic job, we equipped them with radios, and gave them a course in security surveillance. Our security officers, meanwhile, are trained in urban management so that they can report issues like broken water meters, broken paving and potholes. Essentially, we created an extensive network of eyes and ears so that we can detect and fix problems more quickly. We also have excellent participation from investors and business in the area – even though they are not required to support the initiative from a legislative perspective, and do so as volunteers.

The results are, literally, stunning: we were able to see a transformation in as little as two hours. Several months later, the Retail Improvement District is now an attractive, well attended zone where 800 informal traders work happily alongside big retail brands.
There is, to my mind, no further proof required of the importance of precinct management. In the future all well run cities will operate like this - Ryan.

If you have any ideas on DIY home security, or tips on how to prevent home burglaries please send your suggestions to crimebustersrsa@gmail.com and we’ll publish and credit the author. 

Advertise on our blog from only R10 per month per advert per section your services would fall under across all our categories. 

To apply email Crime Busters RSA 

Urban regeneration: Viability and how it affects property values

As cities age, buildings deteriorate and become overcrowded. Residential areas expand further from the CBD, causing commerce to follow, until the city centre is merely a ghost of its former self. Rentals drop, vacancies rise and criminal elements often move in, making an erstwhile vibrant CBD dangerous and unproductive for both commerce and residents. Investor portfolio values drop to a new low, and this is when it becomes clear that there is a need to regenerate the area, or accept a loss and sell out. Regeneration has been accomplished in many cities of the world, including in South Africa.

“Looking at the remarkable changes taking place in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria, it is obvious that regeneration is both possible and successful, if thoughtfully executed,” says Leon Breytenbach, National Manager of the Rawson Property Group’s commercial division. However, it is essential that local municipal and business leaders buy into the exercise.

A well-planned layout is required

The entire CBD layout must be considered. Allowance must be made for structures like national monuments which may not be altered, yet require a facelift, bearing in mind that they are tourist attractions. Optimal locations must be selected for hotels, shopping malls and entertainment venues, with sufficient space reserved for open public areas and easy access to transport.

“Sufficient parking, both street bays and high-rise parking garages, will be required, while traffic flow may need to be changed to single-direction to cope with the traffic volume,” says Breytenbach.

Public transport

Public transport must be assessed and, where necessary, improved upon, he says. Outdated bus transport may need updating with systems like Rea Vaya in Johannesburg, MyCiTi in Cape Town or A Re Yeng in Tshwane. Bus stops and taxi ranks should be modernised and strategically placed to ensure efficient service and increased commuter capacity. Access to all areas of the city is vital for the workforce, residents and visitors. Rail systems are important for transporting the workforce, consumers or cargo - the Gautrain between Pretoria and Johannesburg has proved invaluable, having eased commuter congestion on the highways while reducing traffic in both cities.

A healthy mix between residential and commercial

A balance between retail, offices and residential property is necessary to make urban regeneration sustainable. Overemphasis on the residential aspect is not optimal, for although residents must be able to live in and enjoy the area, the commercial aspect must also be expanded.

“When urban regeneration and inner-city revitalisation achieve stasis, the rates per square metre on commercial buildings should increase, too,” explains Breytenbach. As the rates per square metre improve, further investment is attracted into the area, confirming the success of the urban regeneration.

Reuse of buildings

Tidying up a few old buildings with a fresh coat of paint may increase the general appeal of the area, but will add little to the economic side of urban regeneration. Older buildings need not be demolished, they can be inventively revamped into apartments, hotels or modern, mixed-use entities. Old office blocks become attractive hotels or apartments, former retail outlets become entertainment venues, and outdated factory or warehouse premises become wonderful malls, craft markets, eateries or cinemas. It takes a little vision as well as some finance, but the rewards can be pleasantly surprising.


High-speed fibre and internet connections are essential for modern businesses and residents in the area. Service providers often lay down the infrastructure for these communication services at their own expense, normally prioritising areas with an established residential and commercial base. Areas requiring urban regeneration are seldom prioritised.

“Service providers mainly engage in large capital outlay in densely-populated sectors which can support the investment, but people and businesses first need to be attracted to the area,” Breytenbach remarks.

Informal trade

There is often a plethora of informal trade in a run-down CBD, which one does not want to wipe out completely after regeneration. Regulated hawkers with goods appealing to passers-by, such as fruit, souvenirs and curios, can also be a drawcard. Pedestrians don’t enjoy being mobbed by informal traders or tripping over merchandise on the sidewalk, so providing designated trading areas with an appropriate number of operators could prevent problems.


The general public want to shop and walk through the city in relative safety. Commuters require safety when travelling between their jobs, while shopping and during leisure activities, and businesses require 24-hour security and will not remain in an area if crime is prevalent. Taxi ranks, train stations and bus stops are prime target areas requiring security personnel on permanent duty. A metro police force or a central improvement district presence assigned to keep the inner city safe would help to alleviate the reservations of the populace.


Regeneration takes imagination and foresight, but can, in time, be financially rewarding. “Initial rentals and purchase prices may be low, but, as the area improves, vacancies will reduce and consumers will be drawn back, causing the value of the original investments to increase exponentially,” says Breytenbach. A run-down CBD is not good at all, but the glow of success when such an area is successfully regenerated will spread throughout the entire city.

By Property24

If you have any ideas on DIY home security, or tips on how to prevent home burglaries please send your suggestions to crimebustersrsa@gmail.com and we’ll publish and credit the author. 

Advertise on our blog from only R10 per month per advert per section your services would fall under across all our categories. 

To apply email Crime Busters RSA 

Dangers of Social Media to TEACH your child/teen

Social media and kids. Gah! Is there anything more terrifying for a parent? From cyberbullying to online predators, it seems like the dangers of social media for children are endless. Here’s the thing, though: It isn’t Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook that should be keeping you up at night

By care.com

“On its own, social media is not dangerous,” says Lori Getz, a cyber education consultant and author of "The Tech Savvy User's Guide to the Digital World." “It’s the manner in which it’s used that can be the problem.” 

Concerned about the risks of social media for your phone-obsessed kid? Experts offer safety tips for eight common dangers of social media.

Danger #1: Sharing too much

While it certainly isn’t advisable for kids to post information about the school they attend or their upcoming whereabouts, typically speaking, online predators work in much more nefarious ways than showing up at a given location they found out about on online (more on that in a bit). On the other hand, identity thieves thrive on knowing the everyday details of people’s lives, as they can offer more info than posters realize.

“Identity thieves love social media because people talk about their pets, their hometown, their favorite sports teams, etc., which are all usually the answers to security questions and passwords,” says Getz. “It’s very easy for somebody looking on social media to steal someone else’s identity just by paying attention to the things they say and do.” 

Expert advice: 

Make sure kids aren’t sharing too many details online — even if they seem innocuous, because over a period of time, details can offer insight into a bigger picture. (For instance, if the world knows your child’s birthday and their dog’s name, they may also know their email password.) 

“This goes for commenting on friends’ pages, as well,” says Getz. 

It’s also important to always check photos for background information that may be revealing, such as credit cards, a driver’s license or report cards. Additionally, Getz recommends all family members refrain from posting about vacations on social media. 

“When you broadcast that you’re going away, you’ve just let everybody know there’s no one in your house,” she says. “It’s like putting a giant sign on the front door that says: ‘Empty! Come on in!’ It’s just a bad habit.” 

If the urge to sneak in a selfie is too much to resist, make sure the location isn’t tagged and there isn’t anything too telling in the background. 

“Even if you don’t tag where you are when you’re on vacation, if the Eiffel Tower is in the background, everyone knows there’s no one in your house,” says Getz. 

Pro tip: Wait until after your vacation to post all of those jealousy-inducing pics. 

Danger #2: Assuming private means safe

While having accounts set to private will offer some level of protection, the truth is, it isn’t much. 

“Kids think that when they use social media, they’re safe if they set it to private,” says Getz. “But when they accept the requests of friends of friends, mutual friends, people they may know and people they played games with, it’s a different issue. Privacy equals control, and when a child posts a picture or a comment, they need to remember that they’re transferring control of that thought, feeling, special moment or image to all of the people that they are sharing it with, and there’s nothing to stop followers and friends from sharing it with others or even turning it into an embarrassing meme.”

Expert advice: 

Make sure kids know all of their followers personally — and even then, remind them to be mindful of what they post. There’s no delete button on the internet, and anything from a risqué photo to a distasteful “joke” can come back to haunt them in terms of future job opportunities, relationships and general well-being.

“To emphasize the staying power of the internet, parents can find a story where a person had a negative social media experience due to posting something inappropriate when they were younger and how it affected their future,” says psychotherapist Ali Hamroff, of Liz Morrison Therapy in New York.

Love146, an international human rights organization working to end child trafficking, recommends kids ask themselves the following questions before posting:

  • “Is this something I would say or do face-to-face?”

  • “Would I be OK with this photo/quote of mine being posting in the school hallways?”

Danger #3: Connecting with a predator 

There are some serious creeps on the internet. 

“Cyber-predators don’t just see a child online and then look for their address and go take them,” says Getz. “That’s a predator of opportunity. Internet predators are predators that groom. They cultivate relationships with a child online and then have the child come to them, so they don’t have to take the risky approach of locating the child to abduct them.”  

Expert advice: 

It’s important for kids to know that it’s completely unacceptable to cultivate relationships with strangers online — and even more dangerous is hiding an online connection from their parents. 

“Parents need to tell their kids that if someone is important to them, they are important to the parent, too, no matter where the child met them,” says Getz. “If a child is hiding a relationship they’re cultivating online, they already know it’s something their parents would not approve of — or it’s possible someone is grooming them and convincing them to keep the relationship secret.”

It’s also important to note that strangers attempt to lure kids not only on social media platforms but in gaming environments, as well. Getz recommends reminding kids that if they’re chatting with another player who is asking them questions that have nothing to do with the game, that’s a red flag.

“In most gaming systems, you can block a player, but, depending on the situation, that may or may not be the right move,” she says. “For instance, if it’s a friend of a friend asking off-topic questions, a comment like, ‘Let’s just concentrate on the game’ should suffice.” 

In any case, it’s a good idea for parents to periodically check in with kids while they’re playing games and to always have open lines of communication. 

“The hope is that a child feels comfortable enough to tell their parents when someone is asking them questions that aren’t related to the game, so they can help decide the best course of action based on the situation,” Getz says. “This way, parents are teaching their kids that while not all people are bad, you never know another person‘s intentions. It’s about being smart.” 

Danger #4: Allowing your child to get on social media too early

The national campaign Wait Until 8th suggests parents refrain from giving their children phones until they’re in eighth grade and access to data until they’re 16, given the potential, negative emotional and developmental effects of smartphone and social media use for children who are younger. Wait Until 8th points to the following study-proven reasons to wait:

  • They interfere with school work and grades.

  • They’re addictive.

  • They’re preventing kids from getting outside and having real-life interactions. 

  • They increase anxiety and depression.

  • They interfere with sleep.

  • They can expose kids to sexual content.

Expert advice: 

“I always encourage parents to put off children’s use of social media for as long as possible,” says Sean Grover, a New York City psychotherapist and author of “When Kids Call the Shots,” who supports the Wait Until 8th initiative. If you do allow your child to have social media early on, Grover recommends having all the passwords and access to the accounts in order to monitor their behavior while they learn how to properly use and navigate the internet. 

Danger #5: Not having clear-cut phone rules 

Regardless of when you give your child a phone, you want to restrict their use on it to avoid the issues above. Furthermore, drawn-out rules should be put in place from the get-go to avoid power struggles and arguments. 

“When we first gave my son his phone, we didn’t lay out any ground rules,” says Jennifer Vaccaro, of Hillsborough, New Jersey. “He was on it all the time! Eventually, we needed to rein it in, and he wasn’t happy at all. We should have done it right off the bat.”

Expert advice: 

Have a binding agreement. 

“I recommend that every family has a technology contract that provides structure and family limits around the use of screens,” says Grover. “For instance, there should be tech-free zones in the house that everyone respects. There shouldn’t be cell phones during meals, limited cell phone use on vacations and tech blackouts around bedtime. The more parents and children follow these guidelines together, the less resistance parents will face from their kids.” 

For parents’ convenience, Grover has a screen time contract template 

Danger #6: Assuming you’re in the know if you’re ‘following’ your child

If kids don’t want you to see what they’re posting, they’ll find a loophole. 

“Many kids get a ‘finsta’ account [a blend of the words “fake” and “Instagram”] in order to stop their parents from seeing certain information,” says Getz. 

While their specially curated, secondary “finsta” account — the one their parents and older relatives have access to — will contain content and photos mom and dad will approve of, that may not be the case with their primary, “real” (or “rinsta”) Instagram account.

Expert advice: 

According to Getz, making sure the lines of communication are always open and having children use their device in a public space (where you can parent over their shoulder from time to time) are potentially more effective strategies than “following” their social accounts.

However, if you have kids who are new to social media, you may want to follow them as they learn the ropes. 

“While it might be somewhat embarrassing for kids to have their parents following them, it also will put into perspective what they are posting on social media, because they can ask themselves: ‘Would I want my mom or dad to see this?’” Hamroff says.

Pro tip: If you do decide to follow your child online, never chastise them in the comments. 

“This is a surefire way to upset your child,” says Getz.  

Danger #7: False marketing

Adults may be able to see through deceptive marketing tactics and bogus Instagram posts, but for kids, it’s not as easy. 

“The content that is portrayed on social media and the internet often isn’t real, which can lead kids to believe in false realities,” Hamroff says. (Think skin that’s edited to look flawless and influencers who seem to be on a never-ending vacation.) “This can be extremely damaging for kids when they’re growing up and figuring out their self-identity and detrimental to their psychological development.”

Expert advice: 

While you may not be able to shield your child from the latest supplement Kylie Jenner is taking, you can educate him or her on deceptive advertising. Common Sense Media recommends parents take the  following steps:

  • Identify advertisements with kids when you see them together.

  • Make sure kids never click on forms or fill out ads without permission.

  • Turn off their phone’s GPS to prevent them from getting targeting texts and messages. 

Danger #8: Online bullying

Cyberbullying is a huge concern for most parents and with good reason: The effects of it are serious, sometimes even resulting in self-harm or suicide. 

“Children’s identity and self-esteem are very fragile during early adolescence,” says Grover. “Online bullying, gossiping, verbally abusive language can send a teenager into a profound depression or spike their anxiety beyond their ability to manage it, resulting in panic attacks, phobias and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.”

Expert advice: 

Nobody knows your child better than you, so be on the lookout for changes in their behavior. Difficulty sleeping, nervousness and an unwillingness to go to school may be signs your child is being cyberbullied, according to the National PTA. If you suspect your child is being bullied through social media, there are a few things you can do, including:

  • Talking with them. Never turn a blind eye and hope they “figure it out” if you suspect your child is being cyberbullied. 

  • Explaining the difference between tattling and reporting — the latter being for much more serious circumstances. 

  • Reminding your child that you love and support them. 

  • Making sure they can recognize inappropriate behavior. On the front end, educate your child on bully behavior with the help of a resource like Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center.

And, again, never let your child’s screentime be completely unmonitored. 

“It’s a parent’s role to protect children from toxic situations, and social media is no different,” says Grover, who has counseled hundreds of teens who were depressed from cyberbullying. “Allowing kids to be exposed online without regulation could lead to devastating effect on a child’s sense of self, mood and identity.” 

Additionally, make sure your child is never criticizing, teasing or attacking others online. Stomp Out Bullying highlights a few signs your child may be the cyberbully:

  • They have a history of bullying.

  • They refuse to have conversations about social media.

  • They quickly close out windows on the computer when you walk by.

  • They have multiple accounts within the same platform.

The main takeaway for parents, according to Grover: “Technology is a privilege that parents shouldn’t let their kids abuse.”

If you have any ideas on DIY home security, or tips on how to prevent home burglaries / safety tips please send your suggestions to crimebustersrsa@gmail.com and we’ll publish and credit the author. 

Advertise on our blog from only R10 per month per advert per section your services would fall under across all our categories. 

To apply email Crime Busters RSA 

True or False? what to believe on Social Media in today's time

Quite applicable to spreading news on Social Media

Social Media has become more than just a social network.

For most users, it is now a daily source of news and information which, if controlled and verified, could be a great tool, particularly when it comes to fighting and preventing crime.Unfortunately this is not always the case. While crime related stories that emanate from credible news agencies are generally factual and reliable, more often than not the crime stories that “go viral” on social networks:

a) Are completely false, based perhaps on hearsay or misunderstanding;

b) Carry some elements of truth, but contains factual errors;

c) Are based on an incident that occurred in some part of the world, but had the location changed numerous times – such as to different places in different countries, as the warning has been shared on; or

d) Are based only on an idea of something that could, in theory, occur, but that has never taken place, nor may ever take place

Therefore, instead of being a potentially useful tool in either the fight against crime, or as words of caution/advice for people, crime warnings can, instead:

a) Create unjustified fear and panic;

b) Incorrectly advise people, placing their safety at risk; or

c) Be automatically dismissed by those who have no faith in their accuracy, which poses a danger if the warning is genuine

Although some warnings are false and based only on hypotheses, they can still be beneficial to readers in that they create awareness of possible risks – even if not probable. And in South Africa’s crime climate, one can never be too vigilant, aware, or prepared.


Like any social media posting, crime warnings have the potential to spread throughout the world in a matter of minutes, and social media users also then have the ability to create spinoff posts based on what they read in such warnings.

What fuels the spread of information on social media is the ease and speed at which posts can be shared. Facebook in particular is a powerful source of news and information dissemination as with just a quick click of the “share” button, posts are readily available to eventually be read by anyone anywhere in the world.

Often those who share posts do not even fully read or understand them, and even more often, those that read them do not have the ability or desire to rationally evaluate their accuracy.

An example of how quickly information, and false information can be spread on social media, can be seen in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon Bombings in the US in 2013. USA Today published an article looking at the spread of information following the blasts.

The article read: “Yet while social network updates can feed a news-hungry audience with relevant and interesting updates, they can also breed false information, says social media expert Dave Kerpen, CEO of the social media marketing firm Likeable Media.

As people on social media, including journalists, sometimes conveyed wrong information last week, "it was challenging to know what (sources) to trust," he says.

Even Kerpen accidentally shared incorrect information. He can't recall what it was -- he deleted it from his Twitter feed and apologized for posting it.

Last week, after CNN and the Associated Press wrongly reported that the suspects were in custody, many others picked up the news. WCVB-TV Boston, crediting the AP with the news, wrongly said that an arrest was "imminent." It was retweeted 87 times

On Monday, social media site Reddit acknowledged its role in helping to disseminate false information, saying, "Some of the activity on reddit fueled online witch hunts and dangerous speculation."

Reddit also said it apologized to the family of missing Brown University student Sunil Tripathi, who was misidentified on social media as a bombing suspect.


  • Warning: Do not post children’s locations and photographs on social media:
    • The claim: These warnings have been doing the rounds for years, claiming that predators and child trafficking rings are using Facebook to source victims. It states that such rings are able to find photos of children on Facebook – posted innocently by their parents, and, via the geolocation tag, know exactly where they can find the child.

The most recent posting did the rounds in about June this year and starts off telling the story of a woman who hurriedly accepted a Facebook friend request from a stranger with a “cute profile pic”. Later that morning she posted a photograph of her beautiful, 5-year-old daughter, and wrote that it was her child’s first day of school. She wrote of her pride and also “checked in” to the school.

Meanwhile her new “friend” had already disseminated the photograph of the child to paedophiles, looking for a “buyer”. When the mom went to fetch the child after school, she found that her daughter had been kidnapped before she got there, due to the child’s school name and location being posted online.

  • Truth or myth: The author of this story was unknown but the post went viral. One of the Facebook pages that originally posted it later deleted it after commentators pointed out that the origin of the child’s photograph was actually taken from a children’s hairstyling page. There was therefore no truth to this posting.
  • Further analysis: Excellerate Security is not aware of nor has been able to source any stories or confirmed cases of this happening in South Africa or other parts of the world.

However, social media platforms like Facebook have greatly facilitated crimes of a sexual nature and human trafficking, particularly in some overseas countries, such as Indonesia where, in 2012, about 27 children reported missing were believed to have met their captors on Facebook.

In June this year, a Kensington, Cape Town, teenager (19-years-old) was kidnapped. Although she escaped a few hours later police were investigating whether the incident was linked to a recently-accepted Facebook “friend” who had been sending her messages which, among other things, indicated that he could see every move she and her mother made in their home.

In America, a recent report in the Journal for Adolescent Health, found that, an alarming 65% of online offenders utilised social media sites to gather information about their victims.

A common belief by Facebook users is that their personal information is safe as they only have friends and family members on their Facebook friends’ lists. Statistics show, though, that approximately 80% of sexual abuse victims know their assailants, so limiting Facebook friends to genuine friends and family does not necessarily mean users and their families are safe from potential crimes. It is also important to remember that Facebook friends are able to share each other’s posts and photos, meaning they can be seen by strangers. This is known as the Networking-effect.

The presence of Geotagging also has the potential to facilitate crime as it adds location data to posts or photographs. With the know-how, perpetrators can track the location that you were at when the photo was taken or when you update your status.

  • Verdict: Although there is no evidence of young children’s safety being risked by photographs of them on Facebook, the idea that it is technologically possible for their identities and locations to be known to strangers is enough to make parents take heed.
  • Warning: New hijacking modus operandi includes tying tins cans to the back of cars, removing license plates, and throwing eggs at windscreens.
    • The claims: Hijackers are using new methods to hijack vehicles, including tying cans to the back of them. This is usually done in a parking lot when motorists are away from their cars. Once motorists drive their cars away they hear the cans dragging, and stop the car to inspect it. As soon as they get out of their cars, the hijackers strike.

Another warning is similar to the one above, but warns of hijackers removing car number plates. Again, this is usually done in a parking lot when motorists are away from their cars. Once motorists drive off, the hijackers get their attention by holding up the number plates, implying that they had fallen off of the cars. Once again, the motorists stop their cars in response, giving the hijackers opportunity to rob them.

Then a third warning is that hijackers throw eggs at motorists’ windscreens, resulting in motorists instinctively turning on their windscreen wipers to clear the screen. Once mixed with water the egg spreads, making it impossible for motorists to see where they are driving, resulting in them having stop. This is when the hijackers strike.

Truth or myth: There have been no confirmed cases of tin cans being tied to cars or hijackers removing number plates. The ‘egging’ of vehicles first emerged in 2009 on a YahooGroups mail list post, and was then spread via email, with details changing. For example, later versions had included specific places in the world where it was occurring, such as Johor Bahru, the capital city of Johor in southern Malaysia whereas the original post did not specify where it had occurred. The warning was dismissed around the world as a hoax.

In 2014, a motorist travelling along the R300 in Cape Town posted online that he noticed a few men standing on a bridge ready to throw what looked like stones. As he approached the bridge, they lobbed their “stones”, but luckily missed. The motorist claimed that he was advised by nearby Metro Police Officers that a syndicate was throwing eggs at the windscreens of vehicles. SAPS in some parts of the country have also warned motorists about this modus operandi.

  • Further Analysis: Despite there being no confirmed reports of hijackers attaching tin cans to vehicles, there have been numerous reports of hijackers placing items such as bricks and cardboard boxes on road or in driveways. This is done with the intention of the driver either hitting the object or stopping to remove it, which would render themselves vulnerable. In 2014, Wesley Ford pulled over in Cape Town to avoid rocks that had been placed in the road. He was subsequently attacked and robbed. In 2015, Nazir Sadack, the Northern Ethekwini Coastal Sector Community Policing Forum Chairperson, said patrollers had reported the deliberate placing of rocks in the road on many occasions.
  • Verdict: The release of the 2014/2015 crime statistics saw an alarming 14.2% increase in hijackings, revealing that hijackers were becoming increasingly active. Because criminals are not only ruthless but also often ingenious, motorists should be prepared for any situation which may arise. In 2010 Gauteng Police Spokesman Superintendent Lungelo Dlamini said motorists should never underestimate the lengths to which potential hijackers would go. As such, motorists should be extra vigilant and not stop for anything which is not blatantly safe. Rather drive to a nearby safe area or the nearest police station.
  • Warning: Hijackers cable-tie electric gates closed
    • The claim: Numerous reports have emerged over recent months that hijackers are cable-tying electric gates together with cable ties, waiting for residents to return home. Upon their return, the gates obviously do not open and the residents get out of their cars to further investigate the problem. This is when the hijackers strike.
    • Truth or myth: Although no confirmed cases of this have occurred recently, the warning dates back to at least 2008, when community safety organisations warned that this was in fact happening. New Germany and Westville were two areas specifically mentioned. Recently, the warnings have been widely distributed by many security companies, CPOs, and crime prevention websites. It is highly possible that there is some truth to this warning.
    • Verdict: The majority of hijackings take place in driveways as motorists generally become more relaxed and less vigilant. It is also an easy spot for hijackers to strike as vehicles often stop while gates open, or are being opened. A study conducted by forensic and crime expert Professor Rudolf Zinn in 2010 saw one robber disclose that he would sometimes jam an electric gate or place an object in front of the gate. Cable-tying of electric gates should then not be ruled out, nor should other methods of obstruction or distraction when people arrive home. Always be vigilant.
  • Warning: House robbers/burglars mark homes to identify their vulnerability or whether they are a target
    • The claim:The warning is that house breakers and robbers mark their targeted homes with everyday items that will not look out of place, such as coke cans. Some warnings say these syndicates also mark properties with spray paint. The markings indicate that a home is ready to be targeted. There have also been posts which show specific diagrams that house breakers or robbers are said to use, indicating whether the home has an alarm, who lives there, whether they are wealthy, and if it is good to target, among other things.
    • Truth or myth:This debate has been ongoing for many years, with some theorists and law Excellerate Securityment officers supporting the claim and even deciphering and translated markings. Others, however, strongly disagree, saying it is only a myth and that syndicates either more highly organized than this or opportunistic.

The diagrams which give information about homes and their occupants are said to have been distributed by police overseas.

  • Further analysis: A report issued by local news in 2014 revealed concerns amongst Centurion residents regarding the markings on their houses and gates. The report also quoted Lyttelton Police Spokesperson, Warrant Officer Hero Gumbu, stating that criminals leave markings at gates and driveways to determine if the resident is home.

Excellerate Security Managing Director Derek Lategan had previously met with a specialist in this field. This specialist boasted the ability to decipher the markings and utilise them to predict when and where crimes would occur. On meeting this specialist, Mr Lategan selected a random client site – of which the expert was not aware and had no prior knowledge of. On arrival at the specific site, he took Mr Lategan along a route marked with various items such as sticks, and which lead to the bottom of the building. He then predicted that the site would be hit within the next few days. And it was, three days later.

In 2010 Professor Rudolf Zinn conducted an in-depth study with 30 convicted house robbers in 2010. In the book that he released regarding his findings, Zinn revealed that the responses suggested that this method was not commonly used, with 80% of the respondents stating that they had not heard of properties being marked before a robbery. Two of the respondents did say that they, at times, marked a house/farm to ensure that they could easily locate the premises when they returned to commit the crime.

The respondents also revealed that marker objects were sometimes used to determine whether residents were at home. A can or bottle would be thrown into the yard or they would close the water inlet pipe. Another technique was the placement of tape or a piece of paper within the gap of the gate. The perpetrators would then later check whether the markers were still in place. This would tell them whether the residents were home or not.

  • Verdict: There seems to be some aspect of truth to property marking warnings, but does not appear to be to the extent that many people believe. Often spray paint on walls and other areas near properties is the work of vandals or youths, while random objects outside homes, such as cold-drink cans or empty bottles, are simple cases of litter or rubbish being blown by the wind. But with all crime warnings it may be advisable to remove anything suspicious-looking just in case, and for peace of mind.
  • Warning: Criminals look at “stick family” stickers on vehicles when choosing targets
    • The Claim: These stickers, which depict motorists’ family make-ups are said to give criminals information as to how many people are in motorists’ families. For example they can determine very easily whether there is a father or male figure, a single mom, and/or a small dog. This information helps criminals determine the vulnerability of people’s homes.
    • Truth or Myth: A multitude of reports have been issued, warning motorists about the underlying dangers of “family stickers” commonly placed on the rear glass of cars. Although no cases have been linked to the use of these stickers, numerous forms of law Excellerate Securityment and organisations do warn against their use. The idea does seems improbable though.
    • Verdict: Although there is more than likely no truth to this warning, some personal details are perhaps better kept to oneself as a method of protection, and to prevent potential offenders from gaining any form of advantage.
  • Warning: do not keep your home coordinates stored in your car GPS
    • The claim: It is speculated that hijackers are able to find their victims’ homes by reviewing their GPS devices, in which often people save their “home” coordinates. The can then break into the house.
    • Truth or myth:There have been no confirmed cases of this occurring, and it also seems unrealistic in that hijacking syndicates and those who break into or rob homes usually work independently and have their own sets of modus operandi. Furthermore, most hijackers are opportunistic and look for easy targets, such as when vehicles arrive or leave home.
    • Verdict: Although this warning does not seem to have any truth to it, it is plausible that it could occur. Motorists who are security conscious and feel their families could be at risk by having their home details saved, are advised to then give themselves peace of mind by deleting any stored information.


Most of the recent crime warnings bear no, or very little truth to them, yet none of them are unrealistic, especially given the ever-evolving capabilities and intelligence of criminal syndicates. Therefore, if the idea is even slightly conceivable – even if improbable, it makes sense to take precautions. After all, if someone without a criminal mind was able to conceive the warning or methodology used, a criminal mind could do so even more easily. With South Africa’s current crime landscape it is advisable that residents rather take unnecessary precautions than fail to take those that are necessary.

Social media users are also advised to consider what they share before doing so as spreading false information does not help in the fight against crime. It can also cause unjustified fear and panic. Rather first try ascertain whether posts are true – or even possibly true – before sharing them to the world.

By Excellerate Services 

If you have any ideas on DIY home security, or tips on how to prevent home burglaries / safety tips please send your suggestions to crimebustersrsa@gmail.com and we’ll publish and credit the author. 

Advertise on our blog from only R10 per month per advert per section your services would fall under across all our categories. 

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Anxiety leads to Depression

Anxiety makes you feel like a burden. You don’t want to text your friends, even though you’re dying to hang out with them, because you’re wo...